Today was Kayla's party day. She surprised us by sleeping in. She later told us that she was trying to sleep until 3:30 becasue she just can't wait for her party. Then she surprised us again by wanting to eat breakfast BEFORE she opened her presents. So she ate 2 cinnamon rolls and 6 fried eggs, snuggled with Dad for a while, played a song on the piano, and finally decided to open her presents. We played the "hot/cold" game to locate her hidden presents. She got a Hannah Montana karaoke machine, 3 karaoke CD's, and a rug and wall decorations for her newly decorated room. 

Her friends started arriving around 3, and we all went in our car to iceskate at Stonebriar. I even skated, and it was scary at first, but very fun.
I'm glad Kayla wanted me to. At the end of skating, they cleared the ice for the zamboni, and Kayla got to ride on it and wave to everyone while it smoothed the ice. Then we gathered in the party room to eat pizza and cake and open presents.
Back at home, the girls made a flower craft that Kayla created and organized. They had a pillow fight and watched a Olsen twins movie called "The Challenge". There was some drama at bedtime because everyone was so excited about Kayla's plan to sleep under the bed, but they just couldn't find a way to fit 6 girlas under the bed, and no other arrangement would work to everyone's satisfaction. So after a lot of tears, negotiating, and losing 2 of the girls who decided to just go home, the remaining 4 girls slept happily on Kayla's bed.
I'm mad at myself for waiting almost a month to finish writing all this down, because I'm not doing it justice a month later. Which reminds me, she still needs to send out thank you cards. . . . . .
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