Cal and I started Thanksgiving Day with the Turkey Trot 5K in downtown Dallas. I've been looking forward to racing with him for a long time. Lately he's been working out with us at the gym. He can run for about 15 minutes on the treadmill, so it was definitely time to bump up from the fun run 1 mile races to a 3 mile 5K. He was reluctant to get up early and drive all the way down there with me, but I think he saw how excited I was and did it for me. He's a great kid!
So we parked and registered and found a good spot to people watch and soak in the festive atmosphere while we waited for the race to start. The dogs are always fun to watch and pet. One black lab was decorated all over with turkey feathers. Cal liked the guy dressed up as a tofu turkey with a sign that read "It's hip to eat square!" We started pointing out all the kids his age that he was about to beat in the race.
When the race started we had to wait about 15 minutes before we could cross the finish line. As soon as there was an open path, Cal took off sprinting. I had a hard time keeping up with him because of both speed and weaving ability. He's not as worried about politeness as I am. I kept up well enough to not lose him, which is good because he never looked back.
After a few minutes, he slowed down to walk for a little bit. We alternated sprints and walking for the first mile. At about 1.1, we were walking and Cal said, "Mom, this isn't very fun."
"That's okay. We're almost half way, and there will be a water station up here. That should replenish your energy."
"Whatever. I think I'm getting blisters. And I know we've gone at least 2 miles by now."
He slows down to a leisurely stroll. Kids start passing us.
"Hey Cal. See that group of kids that just passed us? They're all beating you now."
"I don't care, Mom! My feet hurt. Where's the water?"
We kept strolling through Deep Ellum. We passed a pizza restaurant and Cal wanted to stop and eat. Luckily everything is closed for the holiday. He insists that he was just kidding, but I don't believe him.
As we passed the 2 mile mark, Cal declares that he will never do another Turkey Trot. I thought maybe he was rested enough to jog a little bit and get some momentum going, so I pointed out the toddler and old lady that had just whizzed by us.
"Cal, you can not let that baby beat you, and I can not let that Grandma beat me. Let's go!"
"Stop it, MOM!"
So I decided to just enjoy the leisurely walk with my son. Maybe next year he would change his mind, change his shoes, and decide to try to beat his time.
Luckily, about that time, we passed a building with a couple in the window cheering everyone on. They were acting like they were running. They had their hands in the air in exaggerated "rock on!" signs, and were screaming and celebrating. It was SO funny, and their energy was contagious.
That got us to the 2.5 mile mark. There was water there and that seemed to pep him up a bit. We might make it. Then Cal actually asked if we could find a place to sit down and rest! That was where I had to draw the line. There was no way we were sitting down!
So we somehow made it through that last whiny half mile, and found the energy to run across the finish line at an hour and 22 minutes. Pitiful! But hopefully encouraging that we could easily beat our time next year if I'm able to drag him out again. I really hope so. I had a great time!
Thanksgiving lunch was at Gaga Irene's. James fried a turkey this year, and it was delicious! Grandma Wood was here, and it was a great day!

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