This year we went earlier than usual on the day after Thanksgiving. I usually like to wait until after Kayla's birthday to start all the Christmas craziness. But I also wanted to start earlier this year in the hopes of enjoying Christmas for a change. I'm always so rushed and pressured and, therefore, resentful. Sad but true.

I'm so glad we did! It has made such a huge difference! I enjoyed decorating the tree because I was off from work and didn't have to rush through it. Since we had the tree, I had a place to put gifts so I could go ahead and start wrapping. That allowed me to see what I had bought and what I still needed, so I continued shopping. And I could shop online since it's not last minute, so I don't have to battle traffic or people or junk I don't want or Christmas music or any of that other stress-inducing stuff! Such a simple thing like getting the tree has allowed me to actually enjoy the Christmas season so far this year! I've even tuned my car radio to Christmas music on purpose a few times! I still can't believe that about myself.
Since G'ma Wood is here from Cleveland, she and Fred and Irene came with us. There are a few classic rocking chairs on the porch of the log cabin store, so they provided the perfect spot for G'ma to watch all the action comfortably and enjoy the beautiful day.
The kids enjoyed this year's added attraction - the rock climbing wall.

Pretty soon there won't be any more room for trees. They keep adding more entertainment each year. The place is almost unrecognizable from 7 years ago when we started going. Then it was just a hay ride and trees and a gift shop with hot apple cider and sausage on a stick. Then they added bounce houses, a roller coaster, a petting zoo, and even bungees. But once you finally get out to the tree farm part, it's still the same. And the great family that runs it seems to always stay the same. I like seeing their kids grow each year with ours. This has been the perfect start for what could actually be an enjoyable holiday season.
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